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Copland CSA 100

22000 lei 15990 lei/bucata

Garantie 24 luni

* Preţul conţine TVA şi taxa timbru verde

Descriere Producator Copland

Copland- Cand vorbim de sunet fara compromisuri!

Cu o experienta de peste 30 ani in a manufactura produse exclusiviste pentru pasionatii care cauta un sunet complet, matur, rafinat  si fara compromisuri, Copland este  un brand cu traditie in lumea audio care nu mai are nevoie de prezentare.

Iubite in acceasi masura de critica de specialitate cat si de utilizatori, poti cauta in lung si in lat in presa de specialitate  sau in recenziile utilizatorilor din intreaga lume si nu vei gasi decat superlative .

Cu o reputatie nepatata de atatea ani, produsele Copland se pot lauda cu un raport performanta pret imbatabil, made in Danemarca.
hifi+“…it sounds sublime with real-world audio devices, showing just what good high-end audio is capable of, and does so in a package that’s as refined as its sound.”
copland hifi b“The CSA 100 is a rare beast in hi-fi terms in that it manages to be almost absurdly competent, but never feels dull or soulless in doing so. There’s nothing within the extensive specification that feels anything other than exactingly thought out, but beyond that it rarely fails to delight across its many inputs and a very broad spectrum of music. Throw in the superb build and rather lovely appearance, and you have an absolutely outstanding amplifier that’s likely to delight anyone who spends any time with it”- HiFiChoice, August 2020-pag.52-54

qY4XzDjyCZaVQYpHrUY7KH-200-80“The Copland CSA 100 is a well-equipped and impressively capable amplifier. It’s one of the class leaders at this level”
Copland-CSA100-20“In the last year or so I have been lucky enough to have had several excellent integrated amplifiers for review that sell for less than £4,000 here in the UK. Each of them has impressed me and reminded me that we have almost too much choice as consumers. I would be more than happy to have any of them here for good. However, I would have to say that on a balance of features, sonic excellence, build quality and sheer long term pleasure, I would choose the Copland CSA 100. It has a sweetness of tone coupled with the of power to drive most loudspeakers very comfortably which makes it a most compelling package.”
Copland-CSA-100-Review-2048x968“A supreme amp that combines an excellent spec with a delightful performance.”

Descriere Amplificator stereo Copland CSA 100

The CSA100 integrated amplifier is a part of the latest work by Copland, aiming to combine the advantages of tubes and transistor amplification using the synectic design concept that previously has made Copland hybrid amplifiers widely acclaimed.

One tube is responsible for the CSA100 line amplification and the efficiency of this single tube layout is astonishing. The double triode tube runs at high voltage in a setup for maximum linearity, taking care of the voltage amplification only. A MOS-FET circuitry delivers the brute force driving the line stage output and feedback circuitry, thus securing a firm handshake between the world of electronic tubes governed by voltage and the current controlled transistor technology.

If you prefer the warm and nice colored charm of some older tube designs look elsewhere, the CSA100 tube line stage is made for monitoring. In this application the tube provides life, headroom and dynamics hard to find in amplifiers relying on solid stage technology only.

A single chassis machined from aluminium alloy to avoid magnetic interference. For the vinyl enthusiast the CSA100 has RIAA input for moving magnet or high output moving coil cartridges.The amplifier also employs an excellent D/A converter with multiple S/PDIF inputs, PCM, and DSD capabilities using the ES9018 Reference 32-bit DAC in quad-mono configuration, 8 mono to 2 stereo configuration.


Product Description

CSA 100

Output power: 2*100W into 8 ohms load. 2*180W into 4 ohms load.
Minimum load: 2 ohms
Analog Inputs: 1*balanced (XLR)
3*unbalanced (RCA)
Digital Inputs: 1*coaxial S/PDIF.
2*optical S/PDIF.
1* USB.
1* aptX HD Bluetooth (Optional Extra)
Line output: 1*unbalanced (RCA)
1*Pre-out /unbalanced variable (RCA)
Line input impedance: 50 K ohms
Phono input impedance: 47 K ohms (MM)
Phono input Capacitance: 200 pF
Line Inputs sensitivity: 250 mV
Phono sensitivity: 2.6 mV
Frequency response: 10 Hz – 150 kHz -3dB
T.H.D: Better than 0.06 %
Signal / noise IHF-A): Better than 90dB
Phase: Inverting
Headphone amp. Gain: 22 dB @ 100 ohms load impedance
Headphone amp. Out imp: 40 ohms
Headphone amp. T.H.D: Better than 0.05 %
Headphone amp. Freq. resp. 10 Hz – 150 kHz / -3dB
Vacuum tubes: 1 pc. 6922
Power consumption: Max.700 W
Dimensions: 435mm (w) x 135mm (H) x 370mm (D)
Shipping weight: 14 Kg.

Copland CSA 100 – Amplificator stereo hibrid( lampa si solidstate), phonostage, dac cu streaming USB, amplificator casti.

Informații suplimentare

Optiuni Copland

+ modul bluetooth, standard


Amplificator Stereo Integrat, Amplificator Casti, Phono Stage, USB Dac



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