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Linn Sondek LP12 Majik1linn-majik-lp12-krane-front-blacklinn-majik-lp12-krane-tonearm-closeup-blackLinn Sondek LP12 Majik culoriLinn Sondek LP12 Majik cherryLinn Sondek LP12 Majik oakLinn Sondek LP12 Majik rosenutLinn Sondek LP12 Majik walnut

Linn Sondek LP12 Majik

22219 lei/ bucata

Sau 2777.375 lei / luna in 8 rate

Garantie 24 luni

* Preţul conţine TVA şi taxa timbru verde
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Descriere Linn

Perfectionist prin definitie, nu se teme sa iasa din tipare, sabloane, preconceptii, lansand tendinte si directii in loc sa le urmeze. Mai mult chiar, are capacitatea de a “incalca” propriile “dogme” in scopul imbunatatirii si perfectionarii produselor lor. Este locul unde ingineria intilneste mai mult arta decat marketing-ul.

Creator de tehnologii inovatoare de aproape 50  ani, Linn continua sa produca sisteme hifi dupa acelasi principiu : cu cât un sistem audio reproduce cu mai multă claritate sunetul, cu atât mai mare va fi impactul asupra ascultătorului.

Cu un nume extrem de cunoscut si respectat in industria hifi, Linn spune ca :„Nu facem nimic decât dacă este mai bine decât ceea ce este disponibil în altă parte. Pentru noi  “destul de bun” nu este suficient de bun.”

Pentru a atinge acest deziderat Linn merg la extreme in urmarirea perfectiunii muzicale inclusiv creerea propriei case de discuri pentru a înțelege mai bine procesul de înregistrare: aceiași oameni care înregistrează muzica ajută si la proiectarea sistemelor lor.
qY4XzDjyCZaVQYpHrUY7KH-200-80“Linn’s LP12 remains one of the finest turntables around…The Linn LP12 remains a deck to be taken very seriously indeed.”
Stereophile-logo“Of all the thousands of hi-fi products I’ve heard over the years, not a one of ’em—not a speaker, amplifier, or digital processor—has been able to draw me into the music, no matter what the associated componentry, like the LP12. I’ve heard the most highly regarded speakers/amps/processors fall flat in certain situations due to a lack of synergy with their surrounding systems, but I’ve never heard an LP12-based system that didn’t put a smile on my face and make me green with envy.”
StereoNET_Applause_Award_2020the Linn Sondek Majik LP12 is a great value ‘affordable high-end’ turntable, one that’s totally competitive with the best of the rest at this price point right now – and has its own distinctively enjoyable musical sound.

Mai multe detalii...

LP12 este complet modular, astfel încât îl puteți construi dupa specificatiile dvs.

Pentru detalii contacteaza-ne la numarul 0724065445.


Descriere Produs 

Linn Sondek LP12 Majik

Take the first step into high performance vinyl playback. And close the door behind you, you won’t be turning back. Experience the iconic Sondek LP12 in an affordable package, powered by carefully selected Linn-engineered components.

Majik LP12 includes our latest sandwich-construction aluminium sub-chassis, patented single point Karousel bearing, and internal low noise power supply. Linn’s Krane tonearm and Adikt moving magnet cartridge complete the deck.

Connect directly to Majik DSM, with its built-in phono stage, for a simple introduction to both high performance vinyl and streaming.


  • Sondek LP12 with Karousel bearing
  • Majik Sub-chassis aluminium sub-chassis with mounting for laminate armboard.
  • Internal Majik LP12 power supply
  • Solid Base aluminium base board
  • Krane aluminium and stainless steel tonearm with low friction & rotational mass bearing design
  • Adikt moving-magnet (MM) cartridge
  • 45 rpm adaptor

Product Description

Linn Sondek LP12 Majik

Overview: First step on the LP12 ladder.

Deck: Sondek LP12

Plinth Options: Oak, Cherry, Black Ash, Rosenut, Walnut



Speed:  33 rpm single speed motor (45 rpm supported using included adaptor)

Motor Type: 110V Synchronous AC motor


Dimensions: Width 445 mm
Height 140 mm
Depth 356 mm

  • Sondek LP12 with Karousel bearing
  • Majik Sub-chassis aluminium sub-chassis with mounting for laminate armboard.
  • Internal Majik LP12 power supply
  • Solid Base aluminium base board
  • Krane aluminium and stainless steel tonearm with low friction & rotational mass bearing design
  • Adikt moving-magnet (MM) cartridge
  • 45 rpm adaptor

Neegalat de peste patru decenii, Linn LP12 este încă punctul culminant al constructiei de pick-up-uri . O icoană revoluționară care încă evoluează.

Linn Sondek LP12 Majik –  45 Years on: The LP12 Revolution Continues

Linn LP 12


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