Product Description
Martin Logan ElectroMotion ESL
Home » Produse » Martin Logan » Martin Logan ElectroMotion ESL
17749 lei–22029 lei 12990 lei–22029 lei/pereche
Descriere Producator
Nici un producator de boxe nu a urmarit o idee, un crez, cu mai multa perseverenta decat Martin Logan. Esenta sunetului unic al boxelor Martin Logan este o consecinta directa a superioritatii tehnologiei panourilor electrostatice si a dorintei de a oferi clientilor senzatia ca sunt in aceeasi incapere cu artistii/muzicienii/interpretul.
In zilele noastre, panourile electrostatice produse de Martin Logan au diafragma mai usoara decat aerul pe care-l misca si mai subtire decat firul de par, oferind cel mai bun raspuns posibil in frecventa, transparenta absoluta, realism si precizie chirurgicala, fiind un adevarat triumf al tehnologiei si al ideilor inovatoare. Din integrarea perfect echilibrata a panourilor electrostatice cu cele mai bune difuzoare de bas, a rezultat obtinerea unor boxe hibride ce se bucura de aprecierea unanima a pasionatilor de pretutindeni.
Mai multe detalii...
Cunoscuta in primul rand pentru pozitia sa de lider mondial in producerea de boxe electrostatice, compania cu sediul in Lawrence, Kansas, construieste si unele dintre cele mai apreciate subwoofere din lume, fiind totodata intre primii trei producatori mondiali de sisteme multicanal high-end.
Pentru a intelege mai bine superioritatea tehnologica a boxelor hibride fabricate de M. Logan, se impun cateva informatii suplimentare:
-Sursa de sunet este liniara, dispersia fiind perfect controlabila.Aceste caracteristici se traduc printr-o pozitionare facila a boxelor fata de punctul de auditie, indiferent de configuratia si dimensiunile camerei. O caracteristica de baza a boxelor hibride Martin Logan este lipsa refexiilor din podea si tavan, oferind un control foarte bun al sunetului.
-Fiabilitatea si rezistenta la socuri mecanice este superioara boxelor clasice. Diafragma este practic imuna la perforare, sunetul nefiind afectat chiar daca se intampla un accident. Panourile electrostatice sunt absolut sigure in utilizare, neexistand nici un fel de pericol in cazul atingerii lor accidentale.
-Reproducerea frecventelor medii si inalte cu ajutorul tehnologiei electrostatice elimina necesitatea unui crossover intre cele doua plaje de frecvente, obtinandu-se o linearitate exceptionala, imposibil de atins utilizand solutii conventionale.
-Diafragma utilizata de Martin Logan cantareste de cateva sute de ori mai putin decat membrana unui difuzor conventional si din acest motiv cursa este extrem de scurta si de rapida, practic nu exista inertie, iar suprafata radianta este mult mai mare.
-Wooferele utilizate pentru frecventele joase au o caracteristica specifica Martin Logan, difuzoare de mari dimensiuni fiind montate in cutii mici pentru a se obtine rezonante extrem de reduse. Crossoverele folosite intre frecventele joase si cele medii sunt extrem de performante.
-Lipsa necesitatii unei incinte in care sa fie montate tweeterele si difuzoarele de medii ofera o neutralitate absoluta sunetului, acesta fiind lipsit de interferentele/coloratiile date de cutie, naturaletea obtinuta fiind foarte aproape de perfectiune.
Descriere Produs
The ElectroMotion ESL (EM-ESL) represents a brave new direction for electrostatic loudspeaker design. Featuring a full-sized 34-inch tall curvilinear XStat™ electrostatic transducer the new ESL performs more like a mini-flagship than an entry level audiophile speaker. Long time MartinLogan enthusiasts are sure to describe ElectroMotion ESL as the second-coming of the legendary Aerius electrostatic speaker which debuted in 1992 and went on to sell in record numbers. The new ESL, however, boasts 40 percent more radiating surface, a superbly integrated and authoritative bass performance, and a sensitivity rated at 91dB. In addition, the ESL is capable of being effortlessly powered by both receivers and high-end amplifiers alike.
Prod | Boxe Podea, Electrostatice |
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Str. IZVOR 82-84
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Igor – :
One of the best speakers I ever had.
izabelaflescan – :
Effects emerge from every part of the room, making it nigh-on impossible to tell where one speaker ends and another begins. This coherence is key to its success – the EM-C2, EM-FX2s and Dynamo all fuse tightly with no differences in tone, which is impressive considering how the electrostatic panels work in such a different way to the cones and Folded Motion tweeters used elsewhere.
—Danny Phillips, Trusted Reviews
izabelaflescan – :
I’m still stunned that a company can manufacture a speaker this good… if there’s a more exciting loudspeaker out there at this price, I certainly haven’t heard it.
—Jeff Dorgay, TONEAudio
izabelaflescan – :
…what really seals the deal is the way the system creates such a seamlessly enveloping sound, thanks to the EM-ESL’s dipole design and the EM-FX2’s wide dispersion. From my listening position it felt like there wasn’t a single area of the room left untouched by sound, flooding the no-man’s land between the front and rear speakers with precise, tangible effects. And when called for, sounds glide from speaker to speaker without you ever knowing where one ends and another begins. Stunning.
—Danny Phillips, Home Cinema Choice
izabelaflescan – :
the MartinLogan ElectroMotion loudspeakers are not only an incredible value but an incredible loudspeaker system. I’ve encountered no speaker at or even a few ticks above the ElectroMotion’s asking price that possess the same transparency, articulation, speed and natural tone. When adequately powered, the breadth in which the ElectroMotions render a soundstage is stunning and their dynamic capabilities all but crush previous, affordable MartinLogan designs.
—Andrew Robinson, Home Theater Review
izabelaflescan – :
It’s hard not like a loudspeaker such as this. The things it does well, it does brilliantly, and they’re a vital part of the musical transmission chain – tonal accuracy, spatial imaging, transient speed, microdynamics… the new ElectroMotion raises the game for a hybrid of this price. Overall then, the Electromotion is a superb and relatively affordable (in the context of high end, at least) new loudspeaker.
—Alvin Gold, Hi-Fi World
izabelaflescan – :
I think the EM-ESL is one of the best bargains going in an audiophile music speaker. It gives audiophiles all the things most of us seem to want (huge soundstaging and a dramatic presentation) and all the things we should want but sometimes neglect (like neutral tonal balance and natural sound). If stereo music listening is your priority, I highly recommend these. And you can add the EM-C2, the EM-FX2 and the subwoofer of your choice for those occasional nights when you want to relax with a movie instead of digging deep into your music collection.—Brent Butterworth, Sound & Vision
izabelaflescan – :
The sound of the ESL is blissfully light and sweet and offers a near-transcendental listening experience. It’s that rare gem of a speaker that sparkles with a luster that becomes more and more enticing the longer you listen to it. Combined with the EM C2, EM FX2s, and a Dynamo 1000, it makes one of the finest-performing, most entertaining, drool-worthiest $5,000 home theater speaker systems you can buy.
—Darryl Wilkinson, Sound & Vision
izabelaflescan – :
Consider this speaker system if: You want all the sonic goodies: resolution, definition, blazing transient speeds, nuances galore, neutral tonal balance and the ability to play at satisfying volume levels… We consider MartinLogan’s ElectroMotion ESL surround system to be an overachiever of the first rank. It offers very serious high-end sound quality for only a little more money than some mid-fi systems cost. For many listeners, then, the quest for upper-tier sound will begin and end right here, and even jaded audiophiles accustomed to ultra-premium-priced gear will marvel at the sophisticated sound this system delivers.
—Chris Martens, Hi-Fi+
izabelaflescan – :
MartinLogan ElectroMotion ESL speakers do the near-impossible: They make people who don’t normally care about speakers suddenly start to care… their thin, sandwiched-panel design bring an amazing crispness and sound quality to whatever you pump through them. We love them so much, we gave them a Geek Beat Editor’s Choice Award.—John P., Geek Beat TV
izabelaflescan – :
…this MartinLogan does bring a good taste of the open, free sounding and agile quality of electrostatic technology, and the ElectroMotion ESL has undoubted stature and presence in the room… t has an open, crisp sound that’s transparent and well detailed. It covers the transition from bass box to open panel mid and top pretty well… Taken overall, this design successfully addresses the several issues presented by a compact electrostatic hybrid concept and deserves recommendation.
—Martin Collins, Hi-Fi Critic
izabelaflescan – :
The MartinLogan ElectroMotion’s usual approach to speaker design pays dividends with a movie performance that’s simply out of this world. Insightful detail reproduction, authoritative speech, a seamlessly immersive soundstage, rock-solid bass, tight integration… you name it, this system excels at it.
—Danny Phillips, Trusted Reviews
izabelaflescan – :
The ElectroMotion ESL is the gateway product to MartinLogan’s more expensive electrostatic designs, and it’s easy to hear why they’ve stubbornly stood by the design… the ElectroMotion isn’t perfect, but its qualities are manifest to my ears. There is no other product like it at or near its price. I suspect that many listeners who hear it will then find more traditional speaker designs to be irrelevant.
—Hans Wetzel, SoundStage! Access
izabelaflescan – :
Martin Logan’s ElectroMotion ESL are speakers that invite us on exciting musical travels… They generate an unusually live atmosphere and, within a decent sweet spot, very precise imaging and exacting depth layering embedded within an above-average dimensional scale. Tonally well balanced and subjectively seamless, the stats combine silky highs, a detailed dynamic midband and articulate if not ultimately voluminous bass. It’s a terrific choice for music lovers hoping to feast on an arrestingly involving presentation…
—Jochen Reinecke , 6moons (originally Fair Audio)
izabelaflescan – :
The MartinLogan ElectroMotion ESL Hybrid Electrostatic Loudspeaker… is a speaker I can highly recommend… A versatile speaker, the EM-ESL runs clean-clean-clean, handles dynamic material with ease, and can basically deliver any kind of music with transparency even at generous volume levels. Driver/crossover integration is excellent and frequency response is lively and accurate.
—Wayne Meyers, Home Theater Shack
izabelaflescan – :
With the ElectroMotion you can step into the exact same ESL technology used in their $25k/pr CLX loudspeakers for much, much less. When properly setup these speakers have very clear highs, an airy sound quality and excellent imaging… In addition to superb sound quality, these speakers are visually striking, especially for anyone who has never seen an ESL speaker before.
—Cliff Heyne & Steve Munz, Audioholics
izabelaflescan – :
From Ian in Melb OZ
Have had the ESLs for 7 months now and thought I’d give them a good listen before writing a review. I have a Prima Luna Prologue Integrated Amp, Primo Audio Analogue CD player and Project Turntable with Ortofon Super 40 cartridge. All run on Audioquest connects and cables.
These speakers are brilliant and I am wrapped that I bought them after reading a number of very good reviews – they are as good as everyone says. Brings music – both CDs and records- to life. Some reviewers have suggested best for classical, but I listen to blues reggae and jazz and late 60s early 70s – Led Zep, Beatles, Cream, Chicago, Yes, Frank Zappa etc – all of that. WOW. Oscar Peterson, Herb Ellis and Joe Pass Count Basie – brilliant as well!!!!!
I have added a REL sub woofer but recently bought a Grotto i which I haven’t connected yet but I expect an improvement on the REL. The sub woofer certainly gave a lift – right across the board.
These things are so good that when friends come around they just want to sit in the sweet spot – that’s a great recommendation I think
Thank you Martin Logan–Ian S.
izabelaflescan – :
Amazing speakers
Bought my first pair of Electromotion speakers replacing Klipsch 5″ floorstanding. Wow! What a difference. Very open. Very realistic. I’m a musician and a sound tech, so I know what live music sounds like and these sound live. My friends are amazed also. I use them for both audiophile music and home theater. They sound great. Am powering them with an Onkyo 5010 receiver. With THX level, I typically play them at -15db signal for about 90 decibels. With these speakers, I can actually hear the difference SACD makes. You definitely need good source media to appreciate them. Thanks Martin Logan for making a pair of electrostatic speakers that the average mortal can afford.–Zyanceboy
izabelaflescan – :
Never thought it would be this great!
Honest, I never thought sound could be this great. It is crisp, clean, loud without hurting. One can distinguish each and every instrument in an orchestra, place them in their respective position in the concert hall. Even though my feed is mp3. It is like being in the concert hall itself.–FranciscoViliesid
izabelaflescan – :
First Impressions
Having Listened to regular Speakers and being totally satisfied for a long time there was always the feeling that there was that little something missing, but never could pin point it.
Im in the $6000 range of speakers so I know there are a lot better around, but I cannot justify $15k for a decent upgrade.
I could never understand the appeal of full electrostatic speakers so
I never entertained them, but a Hybrd system sounded interesting.I I was recommended to try these Hybrid martin logan’s, and within a few minutes I could hear the sound stage was so open and ultra clear, I knew I just had to get these home to demo.
so far so good with just a Basic positioning of the speakers without being too geeky! and they are only suppose to get evan better after a break in.
Cheaper than my Tower speaker,You get a much more detailed sound and without a doubt the imaging skills for a ‘entry level’ speaker is unbelievable!
In case you were wondering, I was thinking will I also need to buy a Subwoofer, but I was told by the sales person to try them without first before I rush into another $1000.
IMO, a sub is not needed for the Electromotions in Music ( I dont have a surround setup) the Hybrid system is a great idea and Martin Logan has managed to balance of sound of the woofers and the ES.
So far no regrets…–jckman
izabelaflescan – :
Wonderful speakers
I purchased my Electromotion speakers a few weeks ago. I probably should wait a bit before reviewing, but I do want to share my opinions so far. These speakers replace my Infinity Composition Prelude speakers, of 1995 vintage, that had built-in amps for the 12 inch subwoofers. The infinities were outstanding speakers for all types of music, but it was time for an upgrade. The Electromotions are considerably more transparent than the Infinities (both physically and aurally) even though the ESLs are not yet broken in.
There is a palpable realism and quickness in the ESL sound that includes a sense of “air” around the performers (golden-ear audiospeak – I am no longer a golden ear in that I prefer, nowadays, to listen to music and not just sound).
The imaging is very good, although it seems a little laid back at this early time after purchasing – the orchestra or performer is considerably behind the speakers. It doesn’t have the imaging that extends wider than the speakers that I hear in some fine mini-monitors that act more as a point source. However, that statement has to be qualified. When I go to a classical concert or unamplified jazz club, the real-life image doesn’t really spread out very far. So, the “wider than the speakers” image may very well be a sonic artifact of the small speakers.
With its 8-inch woofers-midrange, the ESLs extend surprisingly down in the nether reaches of the mid-bass, but don’t reach down into the abyssal 20-35 hz zone. I played some old Telarc concert band CD’s that have whumping bass drums and was happy with the ESL reproduction even without the visceral vibrations that go with really deep bass. The bass drum slap really gets my attention.
My next step is to get a subwoofer that complements the ESLs. The bass is good enough from the ESLs that I will cross over at about 60-70 hz to keep the 8″ woofers from working too hard, but permitting the ESLs to reproduce the bulk of the frequency band. I do need some advice in choosing a mid-price woofer that will blend well with the ESLs.
Yes, folks, these are some fine speakers. I am VERY pleased with the purchase and suspect that the ESLs will even get better over time as they break in.
Thank you, Martin-Logan. –Ron C.
izabelaflescan – :
Truly un parelled sound
I was on a lookout for good floor standers for over 2 months, auditioned right from polk audio TSI500, to Focal, Tannoy, Mordaunt Short, KEF & few more.
But today within 10 minutes of listening to these speakers, I knew these were the ones.. I would rate them better than reference series speakers from other manufacturers, because this gives audiophile quality without buring a large hole in your pocket.
As far as sound is concerned, this speaker gives by far the best possible mid range of all the speakers I heard. It also packs in lot of power in the lower range & high frequency response is just exemplary. In a nutshell, this works as well in a party when playing J Lo; and of course these are tailor made for classical music & unplugged music.
Lookwise they are amazing & with high gloss black finish, they look like nothing else any friend of your would have seen ever (with a sound to kill)
Highly reccomended.–saurabh
izabelaflescan – :
That perfect sound I’ve been looking for!
So I’m about 30 hours into burn in on my new ESL’s in combo with new Dynamo 300 and am in heaven! Everything is sweet, clear dynamic and great presence. I re-ripped my CD collection to FLAC and am re-discovering it they way it was meant to sound. Plenty of bass without the sub, not a hint of harsh or strident high end. Smooth as butter.–Martinw001
izabelaflescan – :
Finally received my pair of EM-ESL speakers and I am completely blown away. I have heard more details in songs than I never new existed. Beg, borrow or steal and buy these speakers!–richf
danghe – :
I truly love these speakers. They are the best I have heard at that price.
They became reference for me.
Here are my full impressions: