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IMPORTATOR EXCLUSIV Martin Logan Impression ESL 11A

Martin Logan Impression ESL 11A

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Descriere Producator

Nici un producator de boxe nu a urmarit o idee, un crez, cu mai multa perseverenta decat Martin Logan. Esenta sunetului unic al boxelor Martin Logan este o consecinta directa a superioritatii tehnologiei panourilor electrostatice si a dorintei de a oferi clientilor senzatia ca sunt in aceeasi incapere cu artistii/muzicienii/interpretul.
In zilele noastre, panourile electrostatice produse de Martin Logan au diafragma mai usoara decat aerul pe care-l misca si mai subtire decat firul de par, oferind cel mai bun raspuns posibil in frecventa, transparenta absoluta, realism si precizie chirurgicala, fiind un adevarat triumf al tehnologiei si al ideilor inovatoare. Din integrarea perfect echilibrata a panourilor electrostatice cu cele mai bune difuzoare de bas, a rezultat obtinerea unor boxe hibride ce se bucura de aprecierea unanima a pasionatilor de pretutindeni.
Mai multe detalii...

Cunoscuta in primul rand pentru pozitia sa de lider mondial in producerea de boxe electrostatice, compania cu sediul in Lawrence, Kansas, construieste si unele dintre cele mai apreciate subwoofere din lume, fiind totodata intre primii trei producatori mondiali de sisteme multicanal high-end.
Pentru a intelege mai bine superioritatea tehnologica a boxelor hibride fabricate de M. Logan, se impun cateva informatii suplimentare:
-Sursa de sunet este liniara, dispersia fiind perfect controlabila.Aceste caracteristici se traduc printr-o pozitionare facila a boxelor fata de punctul de auditie, indiferent de configuratia si dimensiunile camerei. O caracteristica de baza a boxelor hibride Martin Logan este lipsa refexiilor din podea si tavan, oferind un control foarte bun al sunetului.
-Fiabilitatea si rezistenta la socuri mecanice este superioara boxelor clasice. Diafragma este practic imuna la perforare, sunetul nefiind afectat chiar daca se intampla un accident. Panourile electrostatice sunt absolut sigure in utilizare, neexistand nici un fel de pericol in cazul atingerii lor accidentale.
-Reproducerea frecventelor medii si inalte cu ajutorul tehnologiei electrostatice elimina necesitatea unui crossover intre cele doua plaje de frecvente, obtinandu-se o linearitate exceptionala, imposibil de atins utilizand solutii conventionale.
-Diafragma utilizata de Martin Logan cantareste de cateva sute de ori mai putin decat membrana unui difuzor conventional si din acest motiv cursa este extrem de scurta si de rapida, practic nu exista inertie, iar suprafata radianta este mult mai mare.
-Wooferele utilizate pentru frecventele joase au o caracteristica specifica Martin Logan, difuzoare de mari dimensiuni fiind montate in cutii mici pentru a se obtine rezonante extrem de reduse. Crossoverele folosite intre frecventele joase si cele medii sunt extrem de performante.
-Lipsa necesitatii unei incinte in care sa fie montate tweeterele si difuzoarele de medii ofera o neutralitate absoluta sunetului, acesta fiind lipsit de interferentele/coloratiile date de cutie, naturaletea obtinuta fiind foarte aproape de perfectiune.


Descriere Produs

The goal of the loudspeaker is to disappear into its audio performance. Remove the loudspeaker’s effect and you reveal the pure emotional impact of the performance, with nothing between your audio and your ears.

The Impressionist masterpieces removed the barrier between art and emotion, enhancing the potent feelings their art inspired placing emphasis on immediacy and movement. The Impression ESL 11A achieves this effect with an unprecedented level of audio transparency and realism.

The Immediacy of Exceptional Audio

The Impression ESL 11A is part of the Masterpiece Series. It features a dual 8-inch woofer system, with ARC-honed performance, for a perfectly blended low-frequency response. The groundbreaking integration of this woofer array and MartinLogan’s signature 11-inch wide XStat CLS transducer, coupled with a powerful dual amplifier section, delivers an expressive and dynamic audio experience. It’s an experience of pure audio pleasure.

Look at the familiar elements of the classic MartinLogan electrostatic loudspeaker:Advanced MicroPerf stator technology, which allows for almost twice the exposed electrostatic diaphragm surface as a traditional electrostatic panel of the same size. A reinforced electrostatic panel with rigid ClearSpar™ spacers, keeping an exact level of tension on the vacuum-bonded diaphragm without obscuring the beautiful see-through design. Add to these the slender, pointed-arrow design of the new AirFrame™ Bladeconstruction and the result is a powerfully evocative composition creating a harmonious connection between the panel and its woofer cabinet.

Now notice some radical refinements:Inspired by our own breakthrough design, we have reinvented the Impression ESL 11A woofer section, powered by new dual 275-watt Class-D amplifiers, and controlled by a 24-Bit Vojtko™ DSP Engine and ARC™ (Anthem Room Correction).

Using two 8-inch laser-engineered low-distortion aluminum cone woofers in independently enclosed compact chambers, exclusive PoweredForce Forward™ bass alignment technology controls the interaction between the rear-firing woofer and the wall behind that woofer. With a smart phase-shifting design, we minimize the effect that wall has on bass information that might bounce back into the listening room. This uniform frequency response results in realistic bass effects you can feel. It’s one more way MartinLogan innovation improves your listening experience in any room.

Product Description

Martin Logan Impression ESL 11A

  • Frequency Response – 29–23,000 Hz ±3dB
  • Horizontal Dispersion – 30°
  • Vertical Dispersion – 44″ (112 cm) line source
  • High Frequency Transducer – XStat™ CLS™ electrostatic transducer
  • » Panel Dimensions – 44″ × 11″ (112 × 28cm)
  • » Radiating Area – 484 in2 (3,136  cm2
  • Low Frequency Transducer – Two 8” (20.3 cm) cast basket, high excursion, rigid aluminium cone and extended throw drive assembly, non-resonance asymmetrical chamber format.
  • Room Correction (Bass Section)-Anthem Room Correction (ARC™) ready (Sold Separately)
  • Amplifier – Woofer: 2 x 275 watts/channel (4 ohms), 2 x 550 watts peak
  • Sensitivity – 91 dB/2.83 volts/meter
  • Impedance – 4 Ohms, 0.6 at 20kHz. Compatible with 4, 6, or 8 Ohm rated amplifiers
  • Recommended Amplifier Power – 20‒550 watts per channel
  • Crossover Frequency – 300Hz
  • Components – Custom-wound audio transformer, air core coils, polypropylene capacitors. 24-bit DSP based preamplifier (used with woofer amplifier).
  • Audio Controls – Bass: ±10 dB under 75 Hz
    Mid-Bass: –2 dB, 0 db, +2 db
    ARC™ Room EQ: On, Off
  • Signal Inputs – WBT-0703Cu nextgen™ 5-way binding posts feature a filigree signal conductor made from gold plated, nickel free, non- ferromagnetic, pure copper for high conductivity and fully insulated. Free from eddy current effects.
  • Inputs-AC Power, RJ45 (for ARC), mini USB (for ARC)
  • Power Draw – Idle: < 1W/channel
    Max: 500W/channel
  • Weight – 90 lbs. (40.9 kg)
  • Dimensions – 60.75″ × 11.9″ × 27.4″
    (154.3 cm × 30.2 cm × 69.6 cm)

Informații suplimentare

Finisaje Martin Logan 2017

Dark Cherry, Gloss Black, Gloss metallic artic silver, Gloss metallic basalt black, Gloss metallic cordoba red, Gloss metallic deep sea blue, Gloss metallic desert silver, Gloss metallic meteor gray, Gloss metallic rosso fuoco, Gloss White, Walnut



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